14 Dec

The Role of Alternative Lenders

Bad Credit

Posted by: Scott Trainor

In this blog, we’ll delve into the realm of alternative lenders. Exploring why they are becoming an attractive option for many Canadians. In the ever-evolving landscape of the Canadian mortgage market, borrowers are increasingly exploring alternative lending options to secure financing for their dream homes. As a seasoned Canadian mortgage broker, I understand the importance of providing clients with a diverse range of choices to meet their unique financial needs.

Alternative mortgage lenders

Scott Trainor Mortgage Broker Saskatoon, is an expert in alternative lenders for mortgages

Understanding Alternative Lenders:

Traditional lending institutions such as banks and credit unions have long been the go-to choice for mortgage financing. However, alternative lenders have emerged as formidable players in the market, offering innovative solutions to borrowers who may not fit the stringent criteria set by conventional lenders.

Who Are Alternative Lenders?

Alternative lenders are financial institutions that operate outside the realm of traditional banking. They encompass a variety of entities, including private lenders, mortgage investment corporations (MICs), and online lenders. These institutions often have more flexible lending criteria, allowing them to accommodate borrowers with unique financial situations, lower credit scores, or non-traditional income sources. See some of our lenders here.

The Advantages of Alternative Lenders:

  1. Flexible Approval Criteria:
    • Alt lenders are known for their flexibility in evaluating borrower applications. They are often more willing to consider factors beyond credit scores, such as property value and the borrower’s overall financial picture.
  2. Quick Turnaround:
    • Traditional lenders can sometimes take weeks to process a mortgage application. B lenders, on the other hand, often have streamlined processes, resulting in quicker approvals and funding. This can be particularly advantageous in time-sensitive real estate transactions.
  3. Specialized Products:
    • B side lenders often specialize in niche markets or cater to specific borrower profiles. This specialization allows them to create mortgage products tailored to the unique needs of their clients, offering options that may not be available through traditional lenders.
  4. Creative Financing Solutions:
    • Alternative mortgage lenders are known for their creativity in structuring financing solutions. They may offer interest-only mortgages, flexible repayment terms, or other innovative products that can benefit borrowers with unconventional financial situations.
  5. Access to Homeownership:
    • For individuals who may face challenges securing a mortgage from traditional lenders, alternative lenders provide a pathway to homeownership. This inclusivity is a driving factor behind the growing popularity of these financial institutions.

Navigating the Alternative Lending Landscape:

As a Canadian mortgage broker, my role is to guide clients through the complex world of mortgage financing and help them explore the full spectrum of available options. When considering alt lenders, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research, comparing interest rates, terms, and conditions. Some information on planning for a mortgage here.


The rise of alternative lenders in the Canadian mortgage market reflects a shift towards inclusivity and flexibility in the financing landscape. As a Canadian mortgage broker, I am committed to providing my clients with a comprehensive understanding of these alternative lending options, empowering them to make informed decisions on their homeownership journey. If you’re exploring mortgage options and want to discover how alternative lenders could be a viable solution for you, contact me today. Together, we can navigate the diverse Canadian mortgage landscape and find the financing solution that suits your unique needs.

5 Oct

Refinancing Your Mortgage to Payoff Bad Debts

Bad Credit

Posted by: Scott Trainor

Accessing your equity through refinancing your mortgage to payoff bad debts is sometimes a great option. When it feels like the 1-800 numbers wont stop calling asking for money, there is a significant feeling of hopelessness. For many homeowners, a mortgage is not just a roof over their heads; it’s a valuable financial asset that can be leveraged to achieve various financial goals. One of the most effective strategies is refinancing your mortgage to pay off bad debts. In this blog post, we’ll explore how this smart financial move can help you regain control of your finances, eliminate high-interest debts, and secure a more stable financial future. Watch a video on refinancing bad debts here.

A person scratching their head while questioning mortgage choices through mortgage refinancing. The focus is on the determination to eliminate bad debts and achieve financial freedom.

Refinancing your mortgage to payoff bad debts.

Understanding Bad Debts

Before we delve into the world of mortgage refinancing, let’s first understand what bad debts are. Bad debts are high-interest loans or credit obligations that can quickly become a financial burden. They typically include:

  1. Credit Card Debt: Credit cards often come with exorbitant interest rates, making them a common source of bad debt.
  2. Personal Loans with High Interest: Unsecured personal loans with steep interest rates can quickly become overwhelming.
  3. Payday Loans: These short-term, high-interest loans can lead to a cycle of debt if not managed properly.
  4. Medical Bills, Tax Debts, and Other High-Interest Obligations: Any high-interest debt that is taking a toll on your financial well-being.

The Benefits of Mortgage Refinancing

Refinancing your mortgage to pay off bad debts involves replacing your current mortgage with a new one that has more favorable terms. Sometimes we have to access Alternative Lenders in these circumstances. Here’s how this strategy can benefit you:

  1. Lower Interest Rates: Mortgages typically offer significantly lower interest rates than credit cards, personal loans, or other high-interest debts. By refinancing, you can reduce your overall interest expenses.
  2. Lower Monthly Payments: When you refinance your mortgage, you may have the option to extend the loan term. While this may mean paying more interest over the life of the loan, it can significantly reduce your monthly payments, freeing up cash to address your bad debts.
  3. Consolidation: Refinancing allows you to consolidate high-interest debts into your mortgage, streamlining your monthly payments into a single, manageable amount.
  4. Tax Deductibility: Mortgage interest is often tax-deductible, while the interest on bad debts is not. This can result in tax savings that further alleviate your financial burden.

What we do

  1. Evaluate Your Mortgage: we start by assessing your current mortgage terms, interest rate, and remaining balance. Additionally, gather information about your bad debts, including the outstanding balances and interest rates.
  2. Apply for Refinancing: Once we’ve chosen the most suitable refinancing option, I will submit an application to your chosen lender. Be prepared to provide financial documentation, such as tax returns, pay stubs, and bank statements.
  3. Pay Off Bad Debts: Upon approval and disbursement of funds, the lawyer completing the refinance will use the refinanced mortgage proceeds to pay off your bad debts. This will effectively eliminate high-interest obligations, leaving you with a more manageable, tax-deductible mortgage.
  4. Manage Your Finances Wisely: After refinancing, it’s essential to be disciplined with your finances. Make your mortgage payments on time, avoid accumulating new high-interest debts, and work on building an emergency fund.


Refinancing your mortgage to pay off bad debts is a strategic move that can significantly improve your financial well-being. It provides a pathway to reduce high-interest debt, lower monthly payments, and even enjoy potential tax advantages. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by bad debts, consult with a mortgage professional to explore the possibilities of refinancing your mortgage. By making this financial decision, you can embark on a journey toward a more stable and secure financial future.

15 Aug

Is a B side mortgage a good option?


Posted by: Scott Trainor

So you’ve been suggested that a B side mortgage is your best option, what does that mean? When it comes to purchasing a home in Canada, navigating the complex world of mortgages can be a daunting task. One option is the “B-Side Mortgage.” While the term might sound unfamiliar, it holds significant potential for certain homebuyers. In this article, we’ll dive into what a B-Side Mortgage is and when it can be a good option for prospective homeowners in Canada.

Understanding B-Side Mortgages:

A B-Side Mortgage is an alternative lending solution that caters to individuals who might not qualify for traditional mortgage financing through major banks or credit unions. These mortgages are often provided by alternative lenders, which could include private lenders, mortgage investment corporations (MICs), or other non-traditional financial institutions.

The term “B-Side” denotes a secondary or alternative route, which in the case of mortgages, means offering financial solutions that deviate from the standard lending criteria. B-Side Mortgages usually target borrowers who have unique financial circumstances that prevent them from meeting the stringent requirements of traditional lenders.

Scott Trainor

Scott Trainor, Saskatoon Mortgage Broker

When is a B-Side Mortgage a Good Option in Canada?

  1. Credit Challenges: If you have a less-than-ideal credit score due to past financial hardships, a B-Side Mortgage might be a viable option. Traditional lenders often prioritize applicants with strong credit histories, but B-Side lenders might consider your application even if your credit score is lower. See another post on this here.
  2. Self-Employment: Self-employed individuals often face hurdles when trying to secure a mortgage through conventional channels. B-Side Mortgages are more flexible when it comes to verifying income for these individuals, making it easier for entrepreneurs and freelancers to access home financing.
  3. Property Type: If you’re interested in purchasing a unique property that doesn’t fit the mold of a standard residential home, B-Side Mortgages might offer more flexibility in terms of property types. This could include properties in need of renovations, unconventional dwellings, or investment properties.
  4. Short-Term Financing: If you’re looking for short-term financing to bridge the gap between property purchases or renovations, B-Side Mortgages might provide quicker and more accessible funding compared to traditional lenders.
  5. Quick Approval: B-Side Mortgages often have a faster approval process than conventional mortgages. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re in a time-sensitive situation and need to secure financing promptly.

A B-Side Mortgage can be a valuable option for those who find themselves outside the parameters of traditional mortgage financing in Canada. It opens doors for individuals with unique financial situations, helping them achieve their homeownership dreams despite credit challenges, self-employment status, or unconventional property choices. However, it’s important to carefully assess the associated costs and have a solid exit strategy in place. By approaching B-Side Mortgages with caution and a clear understanding, you can leverage them to your advantage and secure your place in the Canadian real estate market.

12 Jul

Mortgage Decline: What to do now

Bad Credit

Posted by: Scott Trainor

In the pursuit of homeownership, a mortgage decline can feel like a major setback. But fear not! In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind a mortgage decline in Canada and provide practical solutions tailored to specific circumstances. Whether it’s credit issues, income limitations, or other factors, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and turn that “declined” into a “delighted”!

Photo of Scott Trainor ready to help with a mortgage decline

Scott Trainor, mortgage broker ready to help with your mortgage decline

Credit Woes:

One common reason for a mortgage decline is credit-related issues. Lenders assess your creditworthiness through factors like credit score, payment history, and debt levels. To overcome this hurdle, focus on rebuilding your credit. Obtain your credit report, identify any errors, and dispute them. Pay off outstanding debts and make all future payments on time. Over time, your credit score will improve, enhancing your chances of mortgage approval.

Insufficient Income:

Another factor leading to mortgage declines is insufficient income. Lenders evaluate your ability to repay the loan. They consider your income, employment stability, and debt-to-income ratio. To improve your chances, explore ways to boost your income. Consider a second job, freelance work, or asking for a raise. Reducing existing debts can also enhance your ratio, making you a more attractive borrower.

Employment Instability:

Unstable employment history or recent job changes can raise red flags for lenders. They prefer borrowers with steady income sources. If you’ve recently changed jobs or have irregular employment, don’t despair. Focus on building a stable employment record. Stay in your current job for a reasonable period. Demonstrate career progression, or consider securing a long-term contract. Stability and consistency in employment can reassure lenders and increase your approval chances.

Property Appraisal Challenges:

Sometimes, a mortgage decline occurs due to a property appraisal that falls short of the desired loan amount. The property’s value serves as collateral for the mortgage, so lenders want to ensure its worth. If faced with this situation, explore options to address the appraisal challenge. Renovations or repairs that increase the property’s value may help. Alternatively, consider searching for another property within your budget.

High Debt Levels:

Excessive debt can hinder your mortgage approval. Lenders analyze your debt-to-income ratio, considering your existing obligations. Lowering your debt levels should be a priority. Create a budget, cut unnecessary expenses, and channel extra funds toward debt repayment. Consider debt consolidation to streamline payments and potentially reduce interest rates. Demonstrating responsible debt management will make you a more attractive borrower.

Seek Professional Mortgage Guidance:

When faced with a declined mortgage, seeking professional guidance is crucial. A mortgage broker can be your trusted ally in navigating the complex mortgage landscape. They have access to various lenders, loan options, and expertise to analyze your situation. A broker will tailor solutions based on your unique circumstances, potentially matching you with a lender who specializes in accommodating borrowers facing similar challenges.

While a declined mortgage may feel discouraging, it’s essential to remember that there are solutions for every situation. By addressing credit issues, boosting income, stabilizing employment, overcoming property appraisal challenges, reducing debt, and seeking professional guidance, you can increase your chances of mortgage approval. Persistence, determination, and a strategic approach will pave the way to homeownership. So don’t give up! Keep striving, and soon enough, you’ll be celebrating your mortgage approval and stepping into the home of your dreams.



10 Jul

Declined for a Mortgage? There’s Still Hope!

Bad Credit

Posted by: Scott Trainor

Getting a decline for a mortgage can be very frustrating. You’ve been dreaming of owning your own home, shopping around for the perfect mortgage deal, and suddenly…bam! If you receive the news that your mortgage application has been declined there are things you can do. Cue the dramatic music! But fear not, intrepid homebuyer! In this blog post, we’ll dive into what to do when faced with a mortgage rejection. And hey, we’ll sprinkle in some humor to lighten the mood because laughter is the best medicine, even when dealing with mortgages!

Crumpled up paper, legal pad and pen

Even when faced with mortgage rejection, keep writing your homeownership dreams down. The journey may have bumps, but your determination will lead you to success.

Planning to take a break:
  1. Don’t Panic, Grab a Cup of Tea (or Coffee): When that “declined” email lands in your inbox, it’s natural to feel a rush of emotions. Take a deep breath, step away from the computer, and make yourself a comforting cup of tea (or coffee, if that’s more your style). This little break will help clear your mind and give you the energy to tackle the next steps. Try this quick mindfulness video.
  2. Playing Detective – Uncover the Why: The key to turning your mortgage misfortune around lies in understanding why your application was rejected. Was it because of your credit score, employment history, or perhaps some other mysterious reason? Channel your inner Sherlock Holmes and get to the bottom of it. Reach out to your mortgage broker or lender and ask for feedback. Once you know the reason, you’ll have a better idea of what to focus on next.
  3. Repair Your Credit – Time to Break Out the Toolkit: If your credit score played a significant role in the mortgage decline, it’s time to put on your tool belt and start repairing it. Paying off outstanding debts, ensuring all your bills are paid on time, and avoiding applying for new credit help. Thinking of it as a DIY credit makeover project that will help boost your chances of getting approved in the future.
  4. Save, Save, Save – Penny Pinching Never Felt So Good: While you’re working on repairing your credit, it’s also an excellent time to save up some extra cash. Lenders often appreciate a robust savings account as it demonstrates your financial stability and ability to handle mortgage payments. So cut back on those fancy dinners out, skip the pricey vacations (for now), and channel your inner money-saving ninja.
Not ready to quit trying:
  1. Seek Professional Guidance – The Wise Sensei of Mortgages: Remember that mortgage broker you initially approached? They are your secret weapon in this homeownership quest. Mortgage brokers have extensive knowledge of the lending landscape and access to various lenders and loan products. They can analyze your situation, suggest alternative options, and guide you towards the right path. Think of them as your wise sensei, leading you to mortgage success. Remember different lenders have different policies. There are also different levels of lenders as you can read here.
  2. Learn from Rejection – Embrace Your Inner Yoda: As Yoda would say, “The greatest teacher, failure is.” Take the lessons learned from your mortgage rejection and apply them to improve your future chances. Maybe it’s time to reassess your budget, reconsider the type of property you’re aiming for, or even seek advice on how to better present your financial situation. With each setback comes an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Being declined for a mortgage can feel like a temporary detour on your path to homeownership, but it’s not the end of the road. Armed with resilience, humor, and a dash of Sherlock Holmes’ detective skills, you can bounce back stronger than ever. Repair your credit, save diligently, seek guidance from your mortgage broker, and learn from the experience. Remember, the perfect mortgage match is out there, waiting for you to charm it into approval. Good luck on your mortgage journey, and may the force be with you!