14 Dec

The Role of Alternative Lenders

Bad Credit

Posted by: Scott Trainor

In this blog, we’ll delve into the realm of alternative lenders. Exploring why they are becoming an attractive option for many Canadians. In the ever-evolving landscape of the Canadian mortgage market, borrowers are increasingly exploring alternative lending options to secure financing for their dream homes. As a seasoned Canadian mortgage broker, I understand the importance of providing clients with a diverse range of choices to meet their unique financial needs.

Alternative mortgage lenders

Scott Trainor Mortgage Broker Saskatoon, is an expert in alternative lenders for mortgages

Understanding Alternative Lenders:

Traditional lending institutions such as banks and credit unions have long been the go-to choice for mortgage financing. However, alternative lenders have emerged as formidable players in the market, offering innovative solutions to borrowers who may not fit the stringent criteria set by conventional lenders.

Who Are Alternative Lenders?

Alternative lenders are financial institutions that operate outside the realm of traditional banking. They encompass a variety of entities, including private lenders, mortgage investment corporations (MICs), and online lenders. These institutions often have more flexible lending criteria, allowing them to accommodate borrowers with unique financial situations, lower credit scores, or non-traditional income sources. See some of our lenders here.

The Advantages of Alternative Lenders:

  1. Flexible Approval Criteria:
    • Alt lenders are known for their flexibility in evaluating borrower applications. They are often more willing to consider factors beyond credit scores, such as property value and the borrower’s overall financial picture.
  2. Quick Turnaround:
    • Traditional lenders can sometimes take weeks to process a mortgage application. B lenders, on the other hand, often have streamlined processes, resulting in quicker approvals and funding. This can be particularly advantageous in time-sensitive real estate transactions.
  3. Specialized Products:
    • B side lenders often specialize in niche markets or cater to specific borrower profiles. This specialization allows them to create mortgage products tailored to the unique needs of their clients, offering options that may not be available through traditional lenders.
  4. Creative Financing Solutions:
    • Alternative mortgage lenders are known for their creativity in structuring financing solutions. They may offer interest-only mortgages, flexible repayment terms, or other innovative products that can benefit borrowers with unconventional financial situations.
  5. Access to Homeownership:
    • For individuals who may face challenges securing a mortgage from traditional lenders, alternative lenders provide a pathway to homeownership. This inclusivity is a driving factor behind the growing popularity of these financial institutions.

Navigating the Alternative Lending Landscape:

As a Canadian mortgage broker, my role is to guide clients through the complex world of mortgage financing and help them explore the full spectrum of available options. When considering alt lenders, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research, comparing interest rates, terms, and conditions. Some information on planning for a mortgage here.


The rise of alternative lenders in the Canadian mortgage market reflects a shift towards inclusivity and flexibility in the financing landscape. As a Canadian mortgage broker, I am committed to providing my clients with a comprehensive understanding of these alternative lending options, empowering them to make informed decisions on their homeownership journey. If you’re exploring mortgage options and want to discover how alternative lenders could be a viable solution for you, contact me today. Together, we can navigate the diverse Canadian mortgage landscape and find the financing solution that suits your unique needs.